You'll soon have more ways to earn top-level gear in World of Warcraft that won't involve dipping into PvP. Blizzard has spelt out several changes it has pushed to the MMORPG's PTR to tackle the community's feedback on rewards.
The first change Blizzard is testing sees the Valor point system's return and upgradeable Mythic Keystone dungeon gear. The gear will start with a cap of item level 200 and rise to 207 if you complete all eight Shadowlands dungeons at Mythic 5 or higher. If you pull that off, you'll get a new "Keystone Explorer" achievement, while the pre-existing "Keystone Conqueror" achievement for levels ten or higher will increase the cap of each item to level 213. If you hit level 15, you'll get the "Keystone Master" achievement, and the ability to reach level 220 gear. Upgrading all this sweet loot is where Valor points come in. You can earn the points by "completing Mythic Keystone dungeons, or by doing covenant Callings, with a weekly cap". Do keep in mind, though, that upgrade costs will vary by item slot, and will be consistent across all item levels.
"We've seen a lot of feedback about the pros and cons of the various sources of gear in the Shadowlands endgame," community manager Randy Jordan says. "After a rewarding first few weeks, we know that many dungeon-focused players reached a point where the only relevant rewards from the system come from the Great Vault.
RELATED LINKS: WoW Shadowlands review, WoW Shadowlands leveling guide, WoW Classic leveling guide
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