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A John Carter game is in the works from Fortnite and Sea of Thieves veterans

A John Carter game is in the works from Fortnite and Sea of Thieves veterans

Remember John Carter? The spacefaring hero wasn't just the protagonist of the 2012 sci-fi action film, but also that of early 20th-century writer Edgar Rice Burroughs' Barsoom novels, on which the movie was based. And now, John Carter could be hopping onto yet another plane of existence, with an upcoming Kickstarter campaign for a John Carter videogame due to launch soon.

Called John Carter: Warlord of Mars, the upcoming title is a first-person action-adventure game being brought to life by developer Tanglewood Games, publisher FNCPR, and Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc, which looks after Burroughs' creative works and legacy. The upcoming PC game is set in 1945 at the conclusion of World War II, and will see John Carter - a soldier in the game - transported to Mars (or Barsoom, as it's otherwise known) by a strange new technology being worked on in secret by the Nazis.

This general plotline will be familiar to fans of Burroughs' works or the film, following a similar path in transporting the hero to the faraway planet and seeing him "fighting for the inhabitants of Mars", as a press release notes. However, it'll take a slightly different trajectory given the novels' John Carter was originally a veteran of the American Civil War.

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