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Minecraft shaders: the best Minecraft shader packs in 2021

Minecraft shaders: the best Minecraft shader packs in 2021

What are Minecraft shaders? Minecraft has a lot of things in its favour: infinite replayability, massively varied gameplay, and a constantly changing and improving online game. Where Minecraft falters in comparison to other modern games is its graphics. Fortunately, as with everything in Minecraft, the graphical fidelity can be tweaked to incredible effect with the help of Minecraft shaders.

From photorealistic lighting to uncanny motion blur, shaders are capable of bringing your Minecraft experience to life. Every Minecraft shader has its own unique qualities, whether that’s injecting some serious style or providing a boost to Minecraft’s base visuals without too much lag. So, in order to set you on your way to crystal-clear vistas we’ve put together a collection of the best Minecraft shaders out there.

Getting a Minecraft shader or shader pack up and running is a simple enough process. Before you get started trying to install a shader pack though, you’ll want to download and install either Forge or Optifine. Bear in mind that these aren’t always kept up to date, so your options are limited if you want to run shaders on the latest version of Minecraft. Likewise, you need to make sure whichever shaders you’re downloading are for the same version of Minecraft you’re running.

RELATED LINKS: Minecraft console commands, Minecraft skins, Minecraft mods

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