Another update has rolled around for Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition, and it brings a whole range of changes, from new quality of life features, to improvements and modding. Plus, there's the usual round of balancing and fixes for the RTS game’s multiplayer scene, too.
Headline features for update 20322 include a resources per minute tracker that can be toggled on/off, an attack range indicator option (which will show the maximum range of all ranged units), a new chat system, friends invites, and you can now mark certain mods as ‘safe’ for used in ranked multiplayer. Also, Portugal is not allowed free cows anymore.
That last one is a serious item - 16 civilizations have been given a balancing pass in update 20322, and the Portuguese only have one change: they no longer have access ‘seven semi-fattened cows (II)’ card. The designer notes accompanying this change state that the development team are uncomfortable with the civ having access to this boon in addition to their existing bonuses, and that they prefer to “encourage interactive, map-control based gameplay”.
RELATED LINKS: Age of Empires 3: Definitive Edition review, Best RTS games on PC, Best turn-based strategy games on PC
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