As you may remember, during Paradox Interactive’s recent Paradox Insider event, the company announced that a brand new grand strategy game was going to be announced during the annual PDXCon event in May. Naturally, I joked and said that it could be Victoria 3, but fans on Reddit are now hotly debating whether it actually will be Victoria 3 or not.
The main thing that’s got everyone worked up is a bunch of information that’s been brought up by user LocalPizzaDelivery in a reddit thread. Essentially, someone potentially affiliated with Paradox trademarked the victoria3.com domain back in 2014, as well as a bunch of other domains. I have my own reason to believe Victoria 3 was genuinely being worked on back then - the question is whether it’s still being worked on, and whether or not it will be the next game to come out.
What LPD goes on to highlight though is how the domain information for the Victoria 3 domain is different from some of the others registered, hinting that it was perhaps a more genuine registration as opposed to a land grab. User hesseb is supporting this theory, and has started their own lengthy thread on the subject as well, mainly looking into the company that owns the Victoria 3 domain and the implications that has.
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