Age of Empires 3’s definitive edition just got its first major update since releasing late last year. As well as a new hefty balance patch, the United States has been introduced to the game as a new playable civilisation. You can get a full overview of what they offer on the official Age of Empires forums, but it’s not even been 24 hours yet and already players are worried it's slightly broken.
The US in Age of Empires 3 gets some pretty interesting advantages over other civilisations. For starters, it begins with a ‘book’ crate, which gives it a head start on all the other civs towards ‘aging’ up. The civ also gets ‘Immigration’ cards instead of the usual ones that other civilisations get. These cards are drawn from the pool of all the other civs, meaning that you can claim some of the best bonuses from across the game.
Add its Gatling Gun – essentially the world’s first machine gun on wheels – and you can see why the US is poised to become a powerhouse. We've already seen some early forum discussions on the United State's impact on the game, though some people seem mad simply because the new US civ exists.
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