Most FPS games that require a decent level of aim to succeed have seen their fair share of cheaters, especially those that are played in a competitive setting. Apex Legends is no different, and developer Respawn has previously peeled back the curtain to reveal who it's swinging the ban hammer at.
In a new video series called Respawn Responds, though, the topic of cheating came up once more. Apex Legends design director Jason McCord explains that it can be tricky to chat about what you're doing to combat cheaters. After all, why would you let them know what you're up to?
There were, however, a few things that he could share this time around regarding players who meet cheaters in their games. "We are currently looking into what we can do for players that have had their game impacted by a cheater," he says. "This might look something like retroactive loss forgiveness where you'll get your RP back if we find that you had a cheater in your ranked match."
RELATED LINKS: Apex Legends characters guide, Apex Legends skins, Apex Legends map guide
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