I have a confession to make. I’ve been playing MMORPGs for 20 years now, but I've only just started playing World of Warcraft. And not live World of Warcraft. No, no, no - I'm playing WoW Classic. That's right, this is what a total newcomer would have felt all the way back in 2004, except through the eyes of a jaded MMO player.
First, some context. While it's puzzling how an MMORPG fan could go 20 years ignoring the MMO, there are reasons. My parents deeply mistrusted videogames when I was young, so I never got to play the likes of GTA, Resident Evil, or, indeed, WoW until I was old enough to make big boy decisions. Meanwhile, I watched on in horror as a number of childhood friends practically vanished into WoW, so it’s not difficult to see why I formed a bit of a grudge against Blizzard's multiplayer behemoth.
But still, I was drawn to the idea of living out my dreams of being a medieval knight in a persistent online world filled with thousands of actual people. Back in the early ‘00s, that was a dazzling concept. I cut my teeth in Runescape, because of course, before moving onto much worse free-to-play fare like Knight Online, Fly for Fun, and Silkroad Online. There are genuinely another 100 or so free MMOs I played before taking on WoW.
RELATED LINKS: WoW Shadowlands review, WoW Shadowlands leveling guide, WoW Classic leveling guide
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