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Outriders devs are “unfortunately fully aware of server breakdown”

Outriders devs are “unfortunately fully aware of server breakdown”

Outriders has launched to a healthy player count - or, perhaps, an extremely unhealthy player count, judging by the state of the servers today. Access was spotty at the game's launch yesterday, but now things are appearing to get worse. The devs are working on it, but there's no ETA on a final solution just yet.

The official outriders Twitter account has been providing updates on efforts to improve connectivity for most of the day, which included "the mother of all turn-it-off-and-on-agains", bringing the servers down entirely for a short period. The most recent word as of this story is that "while we don't yet have a guaranteed fix or an ETA we are working on getting you back online ASAP".

"We are, unfortunately, fully aware of servers breakdown you are experiencing right now," studio head Sebastian Wojciechowski adds in a message on developer People Can Fly's account. "Our partners at Square Enix are trying to fix it ASAP." Wojciechowski adds that "we really hope that you will judge the game rather than those teething troubles related to server issues. It is frustrating for you and it is frustrating for us."

RELATED LINKS: Pre-order Outriders

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