After entering the world of Biomutant for the first time, you'll find yourself searching for toilets (and no, not for the reason you think). Toilets are considered a type of Old-World Gadget by our furry Biomutant friends, and for good reason: they are full of loot. Oh, and in case you’re wondering, toilets and ‘Flush-Stools’ are the same thing.
Finding your first toilet will automatically start the Flush-Stool side quest. You can check your Journal at any time to see how many toilets you still need to find. Although there are only five toilets in total on the Biomutant map, finding all of them provides a nice stack of weapon parts, clothing, and other items. The only thing left to do once you find a toilet, is complete the toilet rotation puzzle.
Naturally, finding the toilets and solving the rotation puzzles require some effort, as they are scattered across the open world. To save you some time, we’ve listed every toilet location on the map.
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