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Want an Animal Crossing PC game? Here are seven alternatives

Want an Animal Crossing PC game? Here are seven alternatives

Nintendo finally gave Animal Crossing fans what they wanted at last year's E3: a release date and title for the next entry in the fantastic village simulation series. And now here we are, basking in the aftermath of one of Nintendo's most successful launches. A Nintendo Switch isn't free though, and its price tag can be hard to justify if you're only planning on getting New Horizon to while away weeks or months of self-isolation. Sometimes we can't live our best lives.

But fortunately for PC players (as much as can be; Animal Crossing is a blessing), there are plenty of games on PC that replicate what Animal Crossing does pretty well. If you're looking for a little balm for an AC-less summer, look no further; we've listed six of the best alternatives on our platform below.

So, grab your shovel for fossil hunting, a net to catch those bugs catching, and a creative attitude for interior decorating: Animal Crossing provides a unique approach to relaxation and these PC games do a damn fine job following in its footsteps.

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