When is the Klee banner rerun coming? Klee is a Pyro user who excels at lobbing explosives, well, everywhere. It may not surprise you to find out she’s a great DPS character. Players first got the chance to wish upon her banner when she was released last year, so we’ve had a while to work out what the best Genshin Impact Klee builds are. She also ranks highly in our Genshin Impact tier list, so she’s worth keeping an eye out for.
Alongside Klee, Kazuha is also one of the next Genshin Impact banners coming in the 1.6 update. He is one of the new Genshin Impact characters and hails from the upcoming Inazuma region; he’s an Anemo Sword user who's travelling with the Crux Fleet of Liyue.
The 1.6 update sees us jet off on little boats to explore islands in the Midsummer Island Adventure. The update also adds new Genshin Impact outfits and various island themed events.
RELATED LINKS: Play Genshin Impact for free, Genshin Impact character tier list, Genshin Impact leveling guide
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