League of Legends' latest, big ol' batch of upcoming changes has hit the MOBA game's testing grounds, and with them are some key updates for marksman champion Aphelios, among plenty others. The changes are, naturally, just tentative for now, but they give us a good flavour of what's headed the live game's way, and soon.
If you've taken a peek at our League of Legends patch 11.12 notes, you'll see that there are a pretty significant number of changes headed marksman champ Aphelios' way when the update drops, which reach across much of his kit. Some of his stats - namely, his attack damage per level and base level magic resist are getting buffed - while his Infernum's splash damage dealt to minions is getting nerfed, dropping to between 19-25% from 23-30% previously.
Aphelios' Severum is seeing its heal effect changed a tad, meaning that basic attacks now restore 3-10% damage dealt using the weapon, while abilities will heal 9-30% of damage dealt going forward. Meanwhile, Severum's number of attacks for Q have dropped, with the modifier going down to per 33% of attack speed from 50% previously, but the damage dealt by the weapon per attack has been buffed a little.
RELATED LINKS: Best LoL Champions , League of Legends patch 11.12, LoL tier list
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