Fallout 76, Bethesda's post-apocalyptic MMORPG, offers a whole lot of scope for some impressive base building. There's even a whole subreddit devoted to amazing Fallout 76 settlements. And, over on there, a bit of a theme has started emerging, with users posting snapshots of some awesome and unusual builds that plonk their homes right in the middle of Appalachia's rad-infused waters.
Fallout 76 fan RADiCALRUX recently posted some screens of their "Fusion junk submarine" settlement build on the subreddit and it's quite a thing to behold. Plonked in the sea, it's a "two seater" base build constructed in the "utility shelter" in the submerged part of the submarine, with a hatch down into its metallic bowels, as well as a "small sleeping area", "radar/communications area", "engine room", and "steering/observation room". As a whole lot of fans have pointed out in the replies, it's an incredibly detailed build that really looks the part throughout.
We can see the interior full of carefully placed control benches, pipes, and all kinds of other features that make it look just like you'd imagine a Fallout-style submarine base to look. RADiCALRUX has told users asking the creator how they made such an impressive built that it took "a lot of patience and imagining what else your pieces could be", and it's clear to see from the screens. They also say a video is coming so hopefully we'll get a proper look-round soon.
RELATED LINKS: Fallout 76 Mutations, Fallout 76 Perk Cards, Play Fallout 76
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