Looking for more information about the Genshin Impact Yoimiya banner? We’ve known about Yoimiya for some time now through datamined leaks, as is the case with most Genshin Impact new characters. In a surprising turn of events, the developers decided to combat the leaks by officially revealing her on Twitter.
Yoimiya is described by Kamisato Ayaka as being Inazuma’s best pyro-technician and is the owner of Naganohara Fireworks, the town’s local fireworks store. As a Pyro and bow user, players are interested in seeing whether she ends up closer to someone like Ganyu rather than Amber on our Genshin Impact tier list. Pyro characters like Diluc and Hu Tao typically place highly on our tier list, but we’ll have to see what rarity Yoimiya ends up being to determine how good she actually is.
Yoimiya, Ayaka, and Sayu are the three characters hailing from Inazuma set to join the game in the Genshin Impact 2.0 update. The only other character from Inazuma is Kazuha, the Anemo Sword user.
RELATED LINKS: Play Genshin Impact for free, Genshin Impact character tier list, Genshin Impact leveling guide
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