Apex Legends received cross-play between PC and consoles last year, but one of the big things missing from this is proper cross-progression save support. It seems any players looking to make use of this feature will have to wait, as developer Respawn confirms that Apex Legends cross-progression won't be happening until at least "next year".
At the moment, while players across systems can play Apex Legends together, anyone who wants to play on different systems themselves can't right now - or at least, not with the same account. Apex is a free game on all platforms, and even the likes of Genshin Impact has cross-save across systems, so it's sad Respawn hasn't implemented it yet.
According to Respawn's director of comms 'rkrigney' in a recent Reddit AMA, cross-progression is not that simple to implement. "Cross-progression is gnarly as hell in terms of being a problem to solve," they explain. "It's not only that you have to solve the technical challenge of merging existing accounts, but there are also legal and contractual issues to navigate with purchasing on other platforms. Different regions have different laws. It's a mess."
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