In the latest Letter to the Producer stream for Final Fantasy XIV, as promised director/producer Naoki Yoshida has detailed all the job changes coming in this year's Endwalker expansion - including the first proper gameplay and details for the new Reaper and Sage classes.
The Reaper is a scythe-wielding melee class that's a lot darker and more sinister than the other job classes, as it can summon a demon to aid them in battle. The Sage is a lot nicer by comparison - a barrier healer class similar to the Scholar, and the fourth healing character in the game. However, fans haven't heard too much about these classes so - other than the Sage's icon causing phobic attacks.
The new Letter to the Producer stream (chronicled by Nova Crystallis) went into detail on all the changes to the various job classes coming in the Endwalker expansion, but also showed the first proper gameplay look at both the Reaper and Sage classes in action.
RELATED LINKS: FFXIV Shadowbringers review, FFXIV Gunbreaker job guide, FFXIV Dancer job guide
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