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How to destroy IO intel in Fortnite

How to destroy IO intel in Fortnite

Want to know how to destroy IO intel in Fortnite? In a shocking twist, there are some more epic challenges to complete before the end of Chapter 2 Season 7. They give out tons of experience that you can use to unlock this season’s Fortnite skins. It also counts towards finishing the Fortnite Superman challenges.

For this challenge, you need to find and destroy some intel hidden throughout the map, but there are six more epic challenges to complete. You’ll need to repair IO equipment, build structures at Corny Complex, and get Marigold’s message from the dead drop. There are also challenges to visit several radar dishes in a single match, hit ten headshots on any opponents, and upgrade a weapon to either the epic or legendary rank.

To help you finish this epic challenge quickly, we’ve placed all of the Fortnite IO intel locations on a map. There are also brief descriptions of where to look so you don’t have to constantly refer to the in-game map.

RELATED LINKS: Fortnite V-Bucks, Fortnite Skins, Fortnite Creative Codes

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