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Minecraft End Portal: how to find an End Portal

Minecraft End Portal: how to find an End Portal

Trying to find an End Portal in Minecraft? If you want to travel to the End, then there's only one means of transport - an End Portal. Taking the leap into another dimension takes commitment, as once you dip a toe in the End Portal, there's no backing out.

We're sure you've got your reasons for visiting the End. Maybe you want to take down the fearsome Ender Dragon, maybe you need some precious resources like End Stone or Chorus, or perhaps, like us, you just like the bleak endless view of the void. Whatever your reason, you'll need to hop into an End Portal to get there.

End Portals can only be found in the portal room of a stronghold, and you need to venture quite deep into the stronghold to find it, but once you do, you'll find it hanging over a pool of lava. To activate the End Portal, you need to place an Eye of Ender on each of the 12 frames lining the portal. Most End Portals already have some Eyes of Ender already in place, with a 10% chance of generating with an existing eye.

RELATED LINKS: Minecraft console commands, Minecraft skins, Minecraft mods

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