Want to know what the best New World great axe builds are for PvP and PvE? We’ve had time to test several different builds since the new MMO game launched, and we’ve concluded that outside of the magic weapons, one of the best New World weapons is the great axe. It may be slower to use than most other melee weapons, but it’s a fantastic option for those wanting to chop away at foes in a DPS role.
To build an excellent loadout for New World, you need to spend time killing enemies to level up weapons, choose which skills to equip, and allocate attribute points. Therefore, you should assign your character’s attribute points carefully to maximise the impact of both weapons in your build. While it takes more skill to use a great axe in combat than other weapons, the effort is most certainly worth it.
If you’re running a powerful axe build, particularly the PvE build in this guide, you’ll benefit from tackling dungeons and bosses alongside someone who is using the best New World tank build, using the sword and shield. We also have DPS build configurations for the best New World fire staff build. This guide will go over both of the best great axe builds, though if you'd rather spec into a different melee-focused build, why not try out our best New World war hammer build, best New World hatchet build, or best New World rapier build instead.
RELATED LINKS: New World system requirements, New World beginner's guide, New World review
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