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Games to play on Valentine’s Day when you’re single AF

Games to play on Valentine’s Day when you’re single AF

It’s Valentine’s Day. A day all about love and definitely not about buying things you and your significant other don’t really need because capitalism is telling you to. It’s definitely all about love.

[Imogen, you can’t be angry at people enjoying themselves - Ed.] [Yes, I can - Im.] [No, you can’t - Ed.] [Why not? - Im.] [Because we need those pageviews - Ed.] [Ok, fine - Im.] RAINBOWS AND SUNSHINE AND LOVE [That was sarcastic - Ed.] [It was - Im.] [Fix it - Ed.].

Okay fine, maybe I’m just a little itty bitty bit bitter because I’m not getting any cards or roses (or attention) this year - give a girl a break. We all like a single rose and sweet note here or there, don’t we? And how about all those lovely meals everyone will be eating while I’m stuck over here with a cheesy jacket potato and a glass of discounted Rioja? Actually that does sound pretty delicious but I’ve still got no one to share it with.

RELATED LINKS: Catherine: an unmissable relationship drama, Best anime games, Best horror games

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