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League of Legends’ Alistar gets nerfs, Braum and Kindred get buffs next patch

League of Legends’ Alistar gets nerfs, Braum and Kindred get buffs next patch

Hot on the heels on Riot's preview for the upcoming League of Legends patch 11.7 on Twitter, a bunch of balance changes have dropped onto the multiplayer game's testing grounds. There are a whole bunch of champion and item changes coming up next week, but some notable tweaks are hitting League of Legends champions Alistar, Braum, and Kindred - and possibly Yorick, too.

While the changes aren't too major, details on the buffs and nerfs coming up are worth bearing in mind for when the patch goes live. First up, vanguard champion Alistar is in for nerfs to two of his abilities, going by what's getting tested o the PBE so far. As of writing, the champ's Q, Pulverise, is seeing its damage dropped at most levels - it's currently sitting at 60/100/140/180/220 which is down from 60/105/150/195/240.

Alistar's E, Trample, is also in for a nerf next patch. The additional damage dealt when at five stack has been dialled down to 20-275, where it was 35-290 previously. This should help move the champ towards a more balanced state given his recent success in solo support, with the good minotaur having secured a recent win rate of 51.09% in the role (and a pick rate of 15.45%) going by OP.GG's stats.

RELATED LINKS: Best LoL Champions , League of Legends patch 11.7, LoL tier list

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