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This cursed Stellaris mod asks ‘what if the galaxy was a grid?’

This cursed Stellaris mod asks ‘what if the galaxy was a grid?’

We’ve still got a couple of weeks left to wait before the Stellaris: Nemesis expansion release date, when we can all live out our Star Wars power fantasies. In the meantime, browsing the Stellaris mod scene is always a great method for finding ways to keep the grand strategy 4X game fresh.

Some mods are really creative, or offer an excellent quality of life buff, while some simply convert the game to your favourite sci-fi universe. Others are simply cursed. Grid World 2.8 is one of these latter mods, offering an answer to a simple question no-one was asking in the first place: “What if space was a grid?” Created by user AnyPairIsTheNuts, this download replaces the default galaxy with a 21 x 21 star grid, which can support up to 50 empires.

Key differences this mod brings out in terms of a typical Stellaris game include ‘hegemon’ and ‘common ground’ starts being stronger and travel appearing slower due to “Manhattan pathing”. Funnily enough, Nuts has a mod to help with that, too.

RELATED LINKS: Stellaris review, Stellaris mods, Stellaris DLC guide

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