So, you want to know about Age of Empires IV hotkey and shortcuts? For better and for worse, RTS games often require a high ‘APM’ - actions per minute - especially when playing competitive multiplayer matches. As quick and accurate as a mouse can be, it’s still a lot easier to combine with a selection of keyboard shortcuts so you can do basic actions quickly.
These can range from selecting unit groups quickly, to cycling through buildings, and even queuing up build orders without having to click the button manually. These shortcuts can also be useful if you’re having trouble locating a specific unit, or just want a quick and easy way to tell everyone to charge that wall like there’s no tomorrow.
We’ve put together a quick guide to Age of Empires IV hotkeys. Credit to Microsoft for sharing a detailed list of hotkeys and control shortcuts on the official Xbox website. We haven’t copied everything - the more basic control functions will be taught to you in-game, and some of the more niche shortcuts are only really relevant for highly competitive multiplayer. The rest though should be useful to most people.
RELATED LINKS: Age of Empires 4 release date, Age of Empires 4 review, The best RTS games on PC
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