So, you want to know how to pay tribute in Age of Empires IV? Paying tribute is something you may encounter quite a few times during the new RTS game’s campaigns, but it’s also something you can do in multiplayer as well, as it involves sending resources to other players.
In the second Norman Conquest mission, for example, you can use the mechanic to pay off viking raiders to stop them attacking you on your way to York. In the second Rise of Moscow mission, you have to pay regular tribute to the Golden Horde otherwise they’ll attack you with a strong army in retribution. Both instances place tribute as a crucial part of the mission, but if you’ve not had much time with the game you might initially be confused as to how you do this.
The first few times you’re asked to do this in the game, a tooltip does pop up to point you in the right direction. These can sometimes be easy to miss or click off, however, and that’s not taking into account anyone who’s turned off hints altogether. We’ve put together a quick guide on how you pay tribute in Age of Empires IV - we hope you find it helpful.
RELATED LINKS: Age of Empires 4 release date, Age of Empires 4 review, The best RTS games on PC
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