Are you ready to take on the Call of Duty Vanguard career challenges? These challenges provide huge experience bonuses as well as unique calling cards. There are ten different groups of challenges, and by completing each group you earn 10,000 XP and a calling card.
Each group focuses on a playstyle from countering enemy field devices, to using the best Vanguard guns to take down swathes of enemies in one match. Boot Camp challenges offer beginner challenges that should be easy to complete in the early leveling stages of Vanguard, whereas Killer challenges require you to apply your best loadout in the battlefield, and Grizzled Veteran challenges tackle the grind of mounting up kills over time.
If you're looking to work your way through all the career challenges in Vanguard, here's what you can expect, from destroying an enemy mine three times to the more advanced Precision challenges. To help complete some of these Vanguard career challenges, check out our best Vanguard perks guide.
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